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DNS & DNS History Blog

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Posted on April 3, 2020

How to Preserve Your Brand Value by Checking the DNS History of Your Domains

Brand trust is the hard currency of any business. In fact, customers cite brand trust as the top reason why they would buy from a retailer, according to a 2018 consumer insights survey. Employees are also most productive when they work for a brand they trust. What’s more, in a climate of trust, companies can forge new partnerships and achieve milestones.

Unfortunately, most organizations overlook a critical element when building trust — brand protection. Despite the heavy emphasis on marketing strategies, it appears that most companies remain unprepared for attacks on their brand. Intellectual property violations and fraud, for instance, can gravely hurt a company’s brand image, reputation, and value. One tool that can help in this area is a DNS database.

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Posted on March 18, 2020

How to Use a DNS Archive to Improve Website Traffic, Reputation, and Performance

Infosec professionals are invariably responsible for guaranteeing that their organizations’ websites remain accessible at all times. And so, they should be aware of the consequences of a single website outage. Network downtimes can cost most enterprises between $101,000 and $5,000,000 an hour.

The problem with outages, however, is that they mostly go undetected before they inflict noticeable damage. Customers don’t usually report website issues such as page time-outs unless a purchase was involved. As such, the discovery of these glitches often comes too late since your search engine rankings or conversion rates have already dropped significantly. Worse still, malicious actors may have even taken over your site infrastructure.

So what can be done? Fortunately, these issues are preventable by ensuring that a website’s Domain Name System (DNS) record values are correct with the aid of a DNS archive like Domain Database Download. For that reason, this article lists some possible ways of how a DNS Database can help with following your website maintenance best practices.

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Posted on March 4, 2020

DNS Attacks on the Rise: How to Defend Networks with a DNS Record History Resource

As attacks targeting the Domain Name System (DNS) continue to gain traction, they put forth the critical need for DNS security. Traditional solutions are not always adequate to mitigate the risks that DNS threats pose and typically do not guarantee DNS availability and integrity.

A reactive approach to the said threats, which include distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, can negatively impact organizations. Application downtime and business shutdowns as countermeasures reduce sales and revenue. Efforts to fix DNS security issues take up time and resources, too, which could also lead to even greater financial losses.

In light of these aspects, this post delves into the latest trends in the DNS threat landscape and what they mean to organizations. It also explains why the DNS is a lucrative attack target. But most importantly, it shows why resources like DNS Database Download are important for every company that does business online.

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Posted on February 7, 2020

Understanding and Securing Your DNS Records with a DNS History Lookup Resource

The Domain Name System (DNS) is commonly abused because successfully attacking it reaps great rewards for threat actors and cybercriminals. Domain hijacking, for instance, can allow attackers to siphon off personally identifiable information (PII) and confidential corporate data from compromised domains. And since not all security solutions and technologies monitor DNS packets, threat actors can exploit this to infiltrate target networks.

Not all is lost, however, as regularly checking your DNS records for anomalies is an excellent proactive security measure. A DNS history lookup resource such as DNS Database Download can provide you with actionable threat intelligence.

But before we dive in and establish how to go about DNS record protection, let us first discuss the various types of DNS records that need protecting.

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Posted on January 30, 2020

How a Reverse IP & Domain Lookup Can Save Organizations from Stale DNS Records

Every website that can be accessed on the Internet comes with an IP address that points to a specific domain name. Each domain-to-IP address mapping is recorded in the Domain Name System (DNS), which makes it possible for users to not have to remember numeric addresses to reach a particular website while still letting DNS resolvers do their matchmaking work. And for this to happen, a DNS record contains many crucial details about a website accessible via the World Wide Web.

Unfortunately, when a website ceases to exist, its owner may forget about its DNS records. These records are what is known as “dangling” or “stale” records, which attackers often abuse as part of their nefarious schemes.

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Posted on January 13, 2020

DNS Records and Their History Matter: Beefing Up Your Cybersecurity Posture Using DNS Tools

The global cybersecurity landscape is becoming crowded both with threat actors and security solutions. When it comes to security threats specifically, attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated, and the amount of damage they cause is also increasing. In 2018, hackers stole almost half a billion personal records.

These security breaches were accomplished by using different tactics such as phishing, denial-of-service (DoS), and ransomware attacks, to name a few. And the threat actors successfully carried out these attacks, not because victims don’t use cybersecurity solutions, but because not all systems monitor every type of vulnerabilities — including the ones that have to do with DNS misconfigurations.

The key is for companies to decide which cybersecurity solutions best fit their business model strategically. For organizations that rely mainly on websites and email communications, including Domain Name System (DNS) record checks aided by a DNS database or DNS lookup tool may be their best bet.

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Posted on January 9, 2020

Enhancing Packet Filtering via a Reverse IP/Domain Check

Spoofing is a cyber attack method where the adversary impersonates a legitimate user to gain access to a network or device. Once inside the target network, the attacker can then perform large-scale attacks, steal sensitive information, and inject systems connected to the network with malware.

Although there are several types of spoofing, the most common being IP spoofing. This method allows attackers to launch denial-of-service (DoS) and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, two of today’s most prevalent cyber attack types. At present, we see 30,000 DoS attacks per day, whereas MitM attacks account for 35% of exploitations that target inadvertent system or software weaknesses.

The statistics may seem overwhelming, but there are strategic processes such as packet filtering that can help organizations avoid these attacks. This post features a reverse IP domain check tool — Reverse IP/DNS API — which makes packet filtering effective across the various implementation systems or technologies an organization uses. But first, let us examine how IP spoofing is used to launch DoS and MitM attacks to understand why it is crucial to detect IP spoofing.

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Posted on November 29, 2019

How to Improve Multifactor Authentication with Reverse IP Address Lookup

Nowadays, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important for both online users and website owners. Cybercrime has extended an arm that reaches almost everyone who accesses the Internet, and people need to adopt full security measures in place to mitigate threats.

While threat identification is essential, prevention has its own perks, and one effective way to prevent threats from entering a network and keeping users safe is by improving multifactor authentication (MFA), notably with Reverse IP API.

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Posted on October 11, 2019

Why Tracking Your DNS History Is Important

If you have ever published a blog post and then got so much flack for it you ended up taking it down – and you still think this would make the problem go away, think again. If your readers have your blog on their RSS feed and click on its link, they’ll still be very likely to be able to read a cached version of it.

The same is unfortunately true for domains. Every change a domain goes through is recorded on its historical WHOIS record, made possible by the introduction of passive Domain Name System (DNS) — a means to find out any modification made at some point in time to a specific domain.

As such, any bit of information related to a domain can still be seen via a passive DNS search. And this is the reason why making sure your domain has had no ties to any malicious activity throughout its entire life cycle is important.

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Posted on May 17, 2019

5 Ways to Use Reverse IP Lookup Tools to Generate New Clients

There are more than three billion people around the world accessing the internet each day. Many of these internet users are looking for specific products and services. And within this growing pool of internet shoppers are potential customers looking for what you are specifically offering.

How do you tap into this great pool of prospective clients? The trick is in devising ways to market your products and services to the people who are most likely to want or need them. Smart online businesses use server-based web analytics tools that allow them to examine their traffic and identify the buying trends and patterns of their customers. One of the increasingly popular analytics tools is the reverse DNS system.

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Posted on April 15, 2019

Using Reverse IP Lookup Tools for B2B Prospecting

In B2B Prospecting, we are always on the lookout for new ways to get more clients. One answer is to use an application to look into your site guest's IP data. Your web site server already has tools that can give you the IP address of any visitor, but be that as it may, for the most part they won't give you much else. Reverse IP API will offer you so much more useful information.

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Posted on March 15, 2019

The Most Common Reasons Why a Reverse DNS Lookup is Utilized

Domain network servers direct web traffic to the proper location. When servers are flooded with requests, consumers may be unable to access websites, and if they are, the process is slow. Site slow-downs are particularly problematic for small e-commerce businesses, and here’s when reverse DNS lookup comes in handy. Reverse lookup is one way to mitigate potential server problems. Listed below are a few other ways for small businesses to use reverse DNS lookup.

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Posted on January 18, 2019

Different Ways to Turn Your Website Visitors into Known Customers

Building trust with customers is a very important aspect for anyone’s business both now and in the future. By looking at how most of the e-commerce platforms have performed, one has to admit that there is a growing demand for goods online. All of this is mainly due to the current technological advancements that have facilitated the growth rate of online-based businesses. As a result, understanding website visitors is crucial to the success of any organization.

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Posted on December 24, 2018

How Reverse DNS Lookup can Help with Reducing Spam

To most, the term "reverse DNS lookup" will probably be unfamiliar. Yet it's a term you'll want to know, particularly if aim to reduce the amount of spam you receive.

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Posted on December 2, 2018

Key Differences Between Forward and Reverse DNS Lookup

Forward and reverse DNS are connected, but there are a few key differences that set them apart. While both use DNS servers, forward DNS is used every time you access an email or webpage, while reverse DNS lookup has a more specific purpose and uses.

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Posted on November 1, 2018

Why Is Reverse DNS Lookup Useful?

If you work on the web, you may be familiar with Domain Name System lookups. The standard "forward" lookup uses an internet domain name to acquire an Internet Protocol address. Conversely, a reverse DNS lookup uses an IP address to obtain a hostname. Websites and applications may benefit from access to a reverse DNS lookup API which can make it easier to detect whether a site is hosted on the same server as suspicious or dangerous domains.

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Posted on October 11, 2018

The Secret World of Reverse IP Lookup Solutions

Cyber-crimes have become a significant threat to modern businesses and individuals. This isn't surprising, considering the increased dependency on technology that societies are experiencing and, realistically, embracing. Money, information, contracts, and sensitive details of personal lives are kept in a virtual storage online. Passwords, banking records, Social Security numbers, and other identifying factors are entered on websites every day. With so much at stake, it's clear that tight cyber-security is essential. As hackers double their efforts to gain access to key information, business owners and individuals must in response pull up their socks to protect that information. The reverse IP lookup is one tool used to detect suspicious sites.

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Posted on August 31, 2018

3 Uses of Reverse DNS Lookup

Reverse DNS lookup can be used for several purposes. On an individual level, it can be used to track website activity. Businesses can also use it to track activity and geographical demographics for researching purposes. But before diving in to exactly what can be done with reverse DNS lookup, it is essential to have a full understanding of what it actually means.

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Posted on August 14, 2018

The Step-by-Step Process of Reverse DNS Lookup

Understanding reverse DNS lookup is crucial for learning how the internet retrieves domain names from IP addresses and how emails become approved. To understand this process, the first step is to find out how forward DNS works.

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Posted on July 30, 2018

Reverse IP Tracking Is Made for B2B Marketing

A business-to-business company needs to market itself like any other business. Using a basic service of mass advertising, it can be difficult for ads to reach the right audience. As technology advances, customer targeting becomes easier. Reverse IP tracking is a technology that offers an easy way for your B2B to identify or target potential leads. By understanding the uses of reverse IP lookup, you can guide your business towards other businesses that may consider using your services.

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Posted on June 14, 2018

7 Ways Reverse DNS Lookup Can Improve Your Marketing Campaign

Whether you use social media or email campaigns, effective digital marketing is more than just distributing content. Reverse DNS lookup is one tool which allows you to match any IP address that accesses your content with a domain name system. This provides crucial data about your marketing targets so that you can optimize your campaign.

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Posted on May 13, 2018

Malicious Websites Who Share Your IP Address Could be Destroying Your Reputation

Your website could be in danger and your good name might be in jeopardy.


More than likely, your website shares an IP address with dozens, hundreds, and possibly thousands of other websites. Any one of those websites could be operating in a negative fashion that harms your website's integrity because search engines have difficulty distinguishing between the multitudes of websites that share the same IP Address. Therefore, when search engines mark a website as malicious, every other website that shares its IP address suffers as well, leading to devastating consequences.

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